Friday, January 14, 2011

Another boring scrub shirt

I painted this scrub shirt about 8 years ago, the color was fine but it needed a little help.  This is what it looked like finished.  The bottom is a shirt I made for a nurse I worked with years ago, the picture is kinda hard to see because it was scanned from a poloroid.
Front Right side 
 Left side Top
 Pocket on left of bottom of scrub top

CD Holder

My children and I had the same black CD pouch and my daughter accidently grabbed mine on her way to school.  I decided to paint a "K" on mine so that wouldn't happen again. I could have been more creative but this did the trick.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bald Eagle rock

My cousin wanted a bald eagle painted on a rock, so she brought me a figurine that I was able to paint onto the rock.  I am really pleased with the way this turned out!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Tee Shirts I have painted

These are some of the T-shirt I have painted



When my daughter was in high school in Lakeville, Minnesota their school mascot was a black panther.  Each year the kids would decorate their clothes for the Final football game. Sophomores wore white, juniors wore red and seniors wore black.  I painted the panthers on her pants each year and she would further decorate her pants with glitter, ribbons and her graduation year.
Sophomore year
Junior year

 Junior year showing the claws more
 Junior year close up of the face
Senior year front

 Senior year back of shirt

Sweat shirt for my folks

My dad's shirt is made for the wild west. In it is the Law bear standing on Arizona gold dust. My mom's shirt is made for her 3 cats. Josie wales is the gray cat and is big and fat like in the painting, sadie hawkins is the one standing up, and dixie belle the baby who is always into mischief is on the gray cats head.

Christmas for Jim's Grandchildren

I painted these sweatshirts for the kids and each had their own interests, reading, soccor, and friendship.

Polar Christmas

I love polar bears and this I just love.  Had a couple of wooden plaques so I made myself and my sister one.

Possum tea party

I found this wooden serving tray at a garage sale, so I sanded it down and decided to paint these little fellows on it.

Lazy Susan for kitchen table

I had a small kitchen table that was perfect for myself and my kids, and I found a wooden lazy susan that I decided would be perfect for holding salt pepper and other condiments.  I love daisies and painted them on it.  Later on I decided to paint the same daisies on rocks so here are a picture of these.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pet sitter Tee-Shirt

My sister does pet sitting for a few people.  She also has pet rats so decided a pet rat on the tee shirt as well as the rest of the pets.  She LOVED this shirt!!

Mice Mice Mice

My sister likes mice.  A year ago she was wanting a zip up sweatshirt so I bought her one and the mice went crazy.  There are a couple pictures here of the front and 1 picture of the back.  She Cried when she got it because she loved it so much.  MADE MY DAY!!!
Front top
 Front above pockets
